Catalyst Research Unit

Client Perspective
Using the ILS unit it’s easy to build different test programs and vary the conditions to gain more insight. ILS provides rapid support and with just a quick call they find solutions to any problems I have. We now only need a little time to gain a lot of knowledge.
Sebastian Burk, Deutz AG

ILS Solution
This unit represents a further development of multiple previous generations of deNOx catalyst and sensor development units made by ILS. The dynamic temperature, flow and composition control mean that even the most challenging driving cycles can be accurately and reproducibly run. Seamless integration of the online gas analytics means that the user can easily capture, visualize and analyze the data produced. The high data acquisition rate of up to 5Hz makes this an extremely powerful tool in particular for testing rich/lean NOx diesel driving cycles. The latest version of this unit made by ILS can now do heating and cooling rates on the order of 30°C/second, which is as far as we know completely unique for these types of electrically-heated ovens, which operate in the flow regime up to ca. 300Ln/min.